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11 per page. You can order a custom essay writers on Animal Rights now! The Page Act of 1875 bared women perceived to be immoral. Looking back in the history of America, it is almost impossible to believe that a law like the Chinese exclusion Act ever existed. The exclusion law set precedents in various aspects such as naturalization, documentation, surveillance, custom essay and custom essay deportation of immigrants. In 1882, congress made it into law that all Chinese laborers seeking citizenship by naturalization were barred from the country for custom essay ten years. They called the government to protect their country and keep it for the white natives. For example, there were claims that immigrants from Eastern and write my essay for me Southern Europe had higher birth rates than the natives. On Thursdays we will be in Lab D in the Professional Studies Building till the end of the semester from 11:20 to 12. See you there! For example, there was increased fear of the Japanese immigrants since they were quite successful and hard working. Ironically, the slogans they had used to declare the Chinese a threat now changed to accommodate the new Japanese threat. custom essay